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Tag Archives: marriage

I am so annoyed right now and I’m trying to let it go but what happened this afternoon at lunch is just irking me and won’t go away.  I went to church with my sister and her husband this morning and then afterwards we went for lunch with 2 other married couples that they are friends with.  First of all, being in a group of 7 people where everybody is paired off and married except me is awkward and uncomfortable enough.  I kept trying to give myself a mental pep talk saying that it was great that they were including me and wanted me to come along and that I should be more thankful for this situation but that didn’t last long.  They all kept talking about married life and marriage topics and ring sizes etc. etc. and I just couldn’t relate to any of it.  I’m so sick of marriage topics, and wedding talk that it just makes me over the top frustrated and well aware of how single I am and how fucked up I feel and it brings out all my insecurities of ever finding a good man that can have grace and understanding for all my crazy.  The topic turned to word games (which are my favourite, I’ve always loved word games) and they started talking about UpWords and how you’re not allowed to just play an “s” at the end of a word to make it plural, you have to form a new word as well.  Then they started trying to think of words that you could add an “s” to at the beginning to make it a new word.  I said you can take the word et and put an “s” in front of it to make it set and the whole group got on my case saying that it wasn’t a real word.  I told them it was another word meaning the past tense of eat and still nobody believe me and were all loud and in my face about it.  Finally I grabbed my iPhone out of my bag and looked it up and showed them the definition.  Everybody was still skeptical and rolling their eyes at it saying that it was ridiculous and shouldn’t be a word.  I was thoroughly annoyed by this point.  THEN, my brother-in-law had the brilliant idea to state that if nobody had heard of this word before or any other word then it shouldn’t be real.  That was the most absurd and ridiculous thing that I had ever heard in my life.  All of these people were educated people and yet they were so ignorant about this statement.  All of the couples around the table vigorously nodded their heads and voiced their agreement with the notion.  I was thoroughly pissed off at this point and trying really hard not to show it.  Obviously they’re not enlightened enough to follow or accept the rules and words of the english language.  If you applied that notion to everything else in life it just proves over and over how ridiculous it is.  I could look at a calculous problem and if I had never seen it before, instead of following the rules to solve it, just claim that it isn’t real.  Absurd.

Fuck it.  I hate loud people who claim they are right about everything and that only their opinions matter.

This is why I probably won’t be hanging out with these people ever again.  My brother-in-law has already been getting on my nerves these past few days but this took the cake.  I’ll see my sister and her husband again obviously but I don’t want to hang out in their happy little married circle, it’s obviously not for me.