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Tag Archives: cutting

I’ve got a lot going on right now, I’ve been through some really tough times over the last few months.  My grandma started deteriorating in health and then died.  Her funeral was almost two weeks ago now.  It’s been so hard dealing with all those emotions and being strong for my mother at the same time.  I’ve been to way too many funerals in my life which just doesn’t seem fair.  This experience was different though.  I got to spend lots of time with my grandma while she was dying.  It was beautiful, and personal and deep and special and then she died.  It was so close to my heart.  It hurt so much.  The only problem is that I have barely cried.  I cried a lot during her grave side service and burial but after that, nothing.  No tears.  I can feel them in the back of my throat and behind my eyes sometimes, putting a tremendous amount of pressure on me but they just won’t come out, and it leaves me so tired, so worn out.  This is odd, because I am a cryer.  I cry easily, and I feel emotions deeply, and I take it all very seriously.  I let myself feel things, I let my body, heart, and mind experience emotions, explore them, learn about them, feel where they’re coming from, understand them.  I feel awful.  I feel unlike myself.

On top of that my younger sister and her husband are expecting their first child.  While I am extremely happy for them, it’s really fucking with me too.  I don’t cope well with change, that’s one of the many wonderful things about being bipolar.  Also, being the only single one left in the family creates this awkward dynamic where I am left feeling like the bottom of the totem pole, not as valuable for some reason.  I don’t think anybody means it.  They probably don’t even know that it’s happening.  My brother and his wife are also expecting their first child, they’ve been approved for adoption.  That won’t happen for another year or 2 though.  Are couples more valuable than single people? Do couples with children especially, always trump single people?  That’s not fair.  That makes me feel like shit.  I am valuable too.

I don’t know what’s going on with me mentally and emotionally.  I mean, I know my grandma’s death, and family stuff and grieving and my siblings having kids are all stressful things, but I’m wondering if it’s more than that.  On the other hand, it doesn’t have to be, I never really know when it comes to how I feel.  I’m in this really dark place.  I feel like I haven’t been here for a while.  Ever since I started taking medication a year ago, and I’ve been in this amazing graphic design/web design course, I’ve been really happy and functional like 90% of the time which is incredible.  I think I’m depressed.  It feels odd and scary and I don’t like it.  The last few days, the moment that I got home from school I’ve gone straight to bed and stayed there all afternoon, all evening, all night.  Yesterday I lay in bed for over 5 hours just shaking, wanting to cry but it wasn’t there, every muscle in my body tense and overwhelmed by torturous mental and emotional turmoil.

Today I found myself in bed again for quite a few hours again, in a very unsettling headspace.  I’m working on this video editing project at school with one of my classmates that I work with most of the time because we both have the same level of passion and drive, but this time it’s not going so well.  She hates video editing and complains about it all day every day.  She apologizes about being whiney but she doesn’t stop.  She doesn’t want to be creative.  Her ideas are boring, and she only wants to do the bare minimum.  It’s killing me.  I wish I could do this assignment alone, but I can’t.  It’s required we work in groups of 2.  I have all these ideas but she doesn’t get them and doesn’t want to try.  So that leaves me extremely frustrated.  I watched like 10 episodes of the Mindy Project on Netflix which was alright, I like that show, it’s cute.  I went out with a friend for lunch and that was ok too.  Finally earlier tonight I thought that I should do something so I decided to go out and see a movie by myself.  It was ok.  I saw a dumb movie on purpose because I didn’t want to further my depressing darkness but that didn’t really work.  The problem is that thoughts of suicide have been creeping in…and they’re getting louder.  It shocked me driving home.  I started thinking about a note.  I didn’t so much as think about what I would write in that note if it ever came to that, but rather I started thinking about how my parents and siblings would react when they found it.  It KILLED me.  I sobbed for one second, one single sob basically, in the car, and that was it.  I CAN’T FUCKING CRY.  I desperately need to cry.  Everything is building up inside of me so strongly and I can’t get it out.  I can’t express it.  I can’t even fully explain it other then that it’s wearing away at my core and I’m starting to crumble.  I don’t like thinking about suicide.  It’s terrifying.  It’s there though, and it’s very real.  Thoughts of cutting myself have begun to creep back in too.  With all this depression and emotional pain I always want to take it a step further and physically feel pain too.  I think about my razor blades that are in my nightstand drawer, right beside my bed.  They are within reach.  They are sharp, fresh and new, some are even unused.  I could tear into my skin and nobody would know.  I would probably target my upper outer thigh, or somewhere around my hip.  Maybe my legs but probably not.  Maybe my stomach.  I wish I could cut my arms but it’s way too hot out to be able to effectively cover them up.  Plus, I have enough scars on my arms that I’m sure other people see, but won’t talk to me about them because it makes them uncomfortable.  

I think that people who think that suicide is selfish don’t know what they are talking about.  It’s a means to an end.  It’s a desperate attempt to stop the pain, to for fucking once just feel better.  I don’t want to be placed under suicide watch.  I don’t want to go to the hospital.  I don’t want to let my whole world fall apart.  I wish I had a therapist to talk to but I can’t afford one.

I hate people.  I can’t stand them anymore.  I don’t trust anybody.  Yesterday a guy followed me onto the bus that I boarded to go home from school and when I sat down he came over and stood beside me blocking me in, cornering me and leaning in towards me.  I’ve seen him around before and even started taking a different bus in the morning to avoid him because for some reason he has it in his mind that we are “friends” which to him I think somehow gives him permission to stalk.  He cornered me in until I finally looked up at him.  I was purposefully ignoring him hoping he’d take a hint.  Nope.  He started asking me all these personal questions which I didn’t answer and finally I got up and managed to get off that bus before it left.  The bus driver had stepped off the bus before this had happened and there was maybe one or 2 people sitting in the back so I felt even more unsafe because we were virtually alone.  I walked briskly across the street and around the corner and hid until that bus left, making sure he was on it before I walked back to catch the next bus.  It left me shaken.  It brought up so many feelings and emotions about Joel, my ex, and what he did to me and it left me feeling traumatized all over again.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fully trust men again but I really hope that’s not true.

I’m rambling a bit.  I guess I’m trying to distract myself from the suicidal thoughts again but it’s really not working.  I could “accidentally” cut too deep if I do decide to cut tonight.  I really don’t want to, but I envision my wrists bleeding and even though I’m still sitting here in bed typing this out, they are actually starting to sting and throb just thinking about it.  Nobody at school knows my struggle.  They all think that I’m just smart and silly and talented and sarcastic and funny and stuff, but they have no idea that there is this whole other side to me filled with darkness and despair and loneliness and suffering.  They don’t know I’m bipolar and they never will.  They wouldn’t get it.  It just seems that they wouldn’t get it, most of them aren’t in tough with their feelings or ever want to tackle any subjects that are deep and personal.  They talk fluff.  I think they’ve just never experienced anything like this so they wouldn’t know how to respond, or maybe wouldn’t care and write it off as me being dramatic and that I should get over it.  That happens sometimes.  

I have a bottle of wine sitting next to me that I’ve delved into.  Sometimes I wish I was an alcoholic or drug addict, and yes I know that’s terrible, but sometimes I just desperately want to escape my life.

This is getting too long.  I guess if I’m going to hurt myself I should just get it over with, or else get really drunk and pass out.  I could take sleeping pills and just render myself unconscious for a while as a way of protecting myself…. What I’ll probably do is turn my tv back on and lie in bed watching more Netflix and staring blankly and emptily at the screen with my thoughts a million miles away.  


Maybe, just maybe, if I hurt myself enough, I will finally cry.  

I feel weird tonight. I feel a bit of tension in my body, this touch of restlessness. But otherwise I feel nothing. I’m catching myself zoning out, staring at things. My emotions are flatlining. I’m not depressed, just…off. I really thought about cutting. I guess I feel somewhat numb. I’m trying to force myself not to give in and let myself fall into the downward spiral of emotional turmoil.

I hate the fact that I have to take pills. One blue one, one peach one, one dark green one, one white one, one turquoise one… Sometimes it feels like they have the power over me instead of I over them. Sometimes I’m winning but tonight I’m on the bench.

Sometimes I dislike being a woman.  I find it hard enough to balance my moods at the best of times having to live with being Bipolar 2, but when that time of the month comes around forget balance, commence hell.  It’s as though my medications suddenly stop working and my mood plummets into deep depression, despair, extreme irritability, being easily offended, and crying at the drop of a hat.  The turmoil I feel is ampilfied 10 fold the week before I get my period.  I don’t always realize what is happening and start to get very worked up and concerned as to why I feel like I’m losing my mind, but then I look at the calander and realize that these crazy over-the-top feelings that I have always seem to happen during PMS.  I have sort of self diagnosed myself with PMDD which stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.  I get to the point where I want to cut, where I want to hurt myself and scream and cry hysterically, where I feel so alone, and my rage and irritability is blinding.  I contemplate suicide, I contemplate doing irrational things like driving to a different province just to be with friends so I don’t have to be alone.  I eat everything.  I spend ridiculous amounts of money ordering in food because I don’t want to shower or leave myself or interact with people (which is ironic because of the overwhelming loneliness I feel).

The good news is that I finally know that this hell week (or 2 sometimes) is predictable and I can sort of prepare myself for it.  I try to cramp down on my spending regardless of the recklessness that I feel, and I try very hard to eat healthy, and if I have to pig out (which I always do) I try and have healthy snacks around instead of sugar.  As far as interacting with people I’m still a bit of a ticking time bomb so I generally tend to isolate myself, whether that’s good or bad I’m not sure. 

Coupled with PMS hormones I also just got back from a week long holiday with my parents (I love holidaying with my parents by the way, they’re the best!) and any kind of change like that always throws me off.  Last night was just brutal.  I was all over the place just restless, depressed, feeling rejected (for no reason) feeling alone, crying inceasantly, everything was triggering me.  I really wanted to cut but thank God I didn’t.  I have decided recently that I just don’t want any more scars so that is what I remind myself of when I feel the urge to cut.  Somehow I managed to make it through last night.  I woke up this morning feeling a bit better, not perfect, but not too bad.  I went to the gym and really pushed myself and almost randomly burst into tears so I hurried into the locker room, grabbed my stuff and went home.  Luckily I had pretty much done everything I had wanted to accomplish at the gym anyways.

I’ve applied to go to school for graphic design this fall and I’m very motivated to do well because this field is right up my alley.  The only thing I’m concerned about is this PMS stretch of days every month where I fall hard.  Other then that my meds have been working incredibly well to balance my moods and I even think that perhaps I’ve found the sweet spot at all the dosage levels.  I guess only time will tell but I have been high functioning for about 6 weeks now, maybe even longer then that which is a miracle! Praise God!


This evening I was visiting with my sister at her place when she casually mentioned that she and her husband might move away in a few years if that’s where work takes them.  My emotions went from normal calm and happy to suddenly there was a great weight on my chest and I started crying.  I was so embarrassed at my own emotional betrayal.  My sister was very sympathetic and tried to make it like it wasn’t a big deal but I was horrified.  not even 10 minutes later I decided to go home.  I had to take my evening meds anyways.  I drove to the drug store and picked up some candy and pop to medicate myself with…seems like I always want to stuff my face with sugar when my world is crashing down around me.  When I got home I phoned my dad to tell him what had happened but he couldn’t talk long because he was looking after my handicapped cousin for the evening.  As soon as I hung up the phone I burst into tears and was crying so hard that I couldn’t even stand.  I sat on my bed and cried for a while, and then I got up to go to the kitchen because my cat wouldn’t leave me alone so I figured he needed food.  When I got to the kitchen I started sobbing again and couldn’t stop.  I was crying so hard that it kept sending me into coughing fits where I would choke and could barely breathe.  I held my hands to my face as hard as I could, trying to muffle the sounds of my hysteria.  All I could think about was the fact that I had finally moved back and my sister was a 5 minute drive away, and she was talking about leaving.  It triggered something huge in me.  It felt almost worse then when I lost it over my brother telling us that he and his wife are moving even further away from us then they already are.  Did I waste the years that I could have spent with them?  Was moving to different cities trying to be independant and to find myself all a big mistake?  Did I miss my chance?  Am I destined to be alone?  I can’t help but feel that I am.  I feel like I am losing everything, that I am drowning inside of myself and that nothing can be done.  Everyone is moving on and I am not.  I am the burden.  I am what makes my family so frustrated and I am what is holding everybody back.  Everybody would just be better if I wasn’t here anymore.  I feel like life is leaving me.  How can I survive?  How can I live on while I feel like I’m losing my mind?  I don’t even want to cut, because if I picked up the blade tonight I would probably kill myself.  I don’t even know who to talk to anymore.  Nobody can handle my Hell.  My next psychiatrist appointment is in 8 days but it might as well be an eternity away.  Why should I live?  I feel everything and nothing.  My head hurts.  I feel unlike myself.  I am not in my body, it just feels mechanical, and painful.  Everything is painful.  How many more breakdowns must I endure?  75mg of Lamictal and I just feel crazy.  They say 100mg is the magical dose, where suddenly everything is better.  But how can I believe that?  And how can I even get to that point if I’m dead?  I can’t take it anymore.

I feel very anxious right now, on the verge of having a panic attack.  I just took my 5th dose of Lamictal tonight.  I was pretty depressed all day and a little bit weepy, but tonight the anxiety is just taking over.  I hate how I have no control over it.  I’ve been home most of the day because of it, and when I was out shopping for a few craft supplies I was feeling anxious and moody and a bit out of it and couldn’t wait to get back home.  That little trip out into the world left me feeling exhausted and irritable and grateful to be back within the security of these walls.  Anxiety is almost worse then depression.  My whole body is restless, especially my legs.  My head hurts, my heart is pounding, my thoughts are racing, and I want to cut.  I’m trying really hard not to…

Please, somebody tell me…. Does being Bipolar ever get any easier?

I cut again today, this time on my thigh. I’ve never cut there before…I don’t know if that means anything. My usual spots are my arms and the inside of my calves. I don’t feel well. I wish I could break out of this crying stage, it’s so exhausting. I feel literally weak, like physically, not just mentally. I slept till 3:30pm today. I was supposed to work this morning but I just couldn’t. Last night I couldn’t sleep and I felt like I was going crazy so I texted them at 5:30am saying I was sick and couldn’t make it. At least they were understanding.

The sun is already down which is depressing but I’m going to force myself to go out for a drive anyways as soon as I post this. I haven’t left the house in a few days.

Why do things feel like they’re getting worse instead of better? At least my psychiatrist appointment is finally made but its still 3 weeks away…

I cut.
5 months clean down the drain.


Fatigue has overtaken me,

I’ve had a really bad last couple of days. During pms and pmdd my emotions and moods just explode into wave after wave of instability and pure unadulterated turmoil. I just feel crazy and out of control. It’s really scary. I wanted to cut so many times but never did for some reason. I still want to cut but I’m just too tired…

I’m still not sleeping. I don’t know what it is but the idea of working or committing to anything scares the hell out of me. People actually knowing me scares the hell out of me.

I am just a failure at life. I don’t even want to put myself out there because I always fuck it all up.

I can’t stop crying.

I can’t breathe..

I’m still a little bit drunk right now.  I went to see friends of mine who are married that I haven’t seen for a very long time.  We went for supper at this asian place and then we went back to their house to hang out, have a few drinks and what started as watching a few videos and sharing a few song on YouTube, happened to turn into an all out dance party.  It felt really good to just let loose for a while and let the happiness and energy and laughter emerge from my lips as the alcohol went in.  Eventually I got tired and sat down and watched as my friends wife danced with one of her close guy friends for a few hours (or so it felt like).  I have to admit that was a bit awkward.  Although I’m excellent friends with her husband, there was no awkwardness there while sitting with him on the couch watching them, but I could tell he was uncomfortable watching his wife dance with another man.  I felt sorry for him.  I know she thought about leaving him for this guy at one point and that must have really taken a toll on them.  It broke my heart.  I really wanted to talk to her husband in private about everything but it just wasn’t the right time or place.

I agreed to go clubbing with her sometime soon; she wants to take me to a gay bar.  I have no problem with that although my mennonite upbringing is screaming at me not to go.  I just want to let go of all my cares for a moment and have fun, and if self medicating with alcohol and dancing and mindless flirting is what is going to do it (not sure if I’ll have the courage to flirt, I hope so) then isn’t that better then being home alone depressed and self medicating with cutting?  I’m not worried about overdoing it, I’ve never had an addictive personality and drinking or smoking weed has never been a problem for me as far as getting hooked.  I haven’t smoked up in over a year but I still wonder if it would be a good idea to help with my anxiety and insomnia.

Anyways, on a different note, last night I dreamt that I was talking to Andy Warhol and that he really liked my art.  The word that he used was that he said it was “magical”.  It really felt like a sign to keep on keeping on and to really persue my art.  It may have been a silly dream but I am pretty sure that I had it for a reason. 

My buzz is now turning into a tired headache.

It’s 1:09am.  I should go to sleep but I think I’ll go watch a few episodes of The Vampire Diaries….I know….but somehow I started watching season 1 and it’s kind of reeled me in.

Goodnight my loves.

I wish I had someone to talk to right now.  I found my razor blades.  I’ve been staring at them for the last 5 minutes, feeling them in my hands, pressing the cold flat side against my skin, tempting myself, giving myself options.  Do I want to feel the pain or do I want to end the pain?  Those are the only questions left.  I feel dizzy, like all the blood rushed out of my head and my hands and I’m trembling.  I hear the jingle of the bell on my cat’s collar as he trots into my bedroom and pokes around the mess I made from pulling things out of boxes from the move and just leaving them in piles on the floor as I was rummaging through them looking for my blades.  I knew I packed them.  I knew I had put them in a secret, safe and discreet place.  And now I have them in my hands.  My heart is pounding.  I haven’t broken the skin  on my body intentionally in months.  I’ve let my cat scratch me but that’s not the same.  It’s getting harder to breathe.  My ears are ringing.  I opened my bedroom window a few minutes ago but it only feels like it’s getting hotter in here.  I know it’s just me.


I want to.  I want to press the cold hard blade deep into my flesh and tear it apart.  I want blood to bead along the incision and then pool rapidly until there’s too much and it drips down my arm.  I want to feel everything.  I want to cry and to scream.  I want someone to notice.  I want someone to fucking care.

It’s going to happen.  Tonight is the night it’s going to happen.  I don’t think I can hold these demons at bay any longer.  I’m tired, so tired…and angry, ferociously angry.

The tension is so thick…